Most people feel that they have protected themselves well with regard to web security by installing anti-virus suites, taking precautionary measures against which sites receive their personal information and of course, for keeping their password secret and strong enough against hacking. And one of the underrepresented and underestimated features most of us have about internet security is HTTPS.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and this is for many websites found in the internet. However, you might have come across a website with the extra S --- HTTPS. If you have used Gmail or bought something using PayPal, chances are you have been on a HTTPS website. The S stands for secure, and it keeps your data secured between you and your server.
The difference between HTTP and HTTPS is that with the right tools anyone can find out where you're browsing and what you send. This can include things as generic as looking up the phone number of a fast-food chain nearby or could be as sensitive as how much is in your bank account. With a website served over HTTPS, you can decrease the risk of others seeing any of this information.
HTTPS websites are best used in online business transactions, especially when it requires personal information, cashing out particularly giving off credit card information. With this kind of transaction, a secure server is a must. With today's advancement, it is already an accepted custom that online selling and ordering is very convenient for most people especially those who have a very busy lifestyle and could not even drop by to stores even for a second.
HTTPS websites prevent on-line pitfalls among on-line sellers and, most especially, buyers. Likewise, people are spending money on-line like never before. While simply being the best business on the block may have been enough for a company a decade ago, having an on-line presence has become instrumental to the modern small business' success. If a business isn't selling its products and services online, they are missing out on the largest customer base in existence.
Having an online store can turn your audience of dozens to hundreds, hundreds to thousands, and thousands to millions. There's no reason for your business to get left because you aren't selling online. By embracing the world of e-commerce, you can create a whole new stream of revenue for your business and embrace customers like never before. And with the growing popularity of online selling, a secure transaction is a top priority.
More info about business online can be found at
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