الجمعة، 3 أغسطس 2012

Top Tips If Your PC Runs Too Slow

If your PC runs too slow, you don't need to throw it away and buy a new one. The chances are it has too much going on in the background to pay attention to what you want it to do. It's amazing how quickly they can get clogged up. To regain the speed you thought you'd lost forever, just go through these steps:
  • Make sure you don't have any viruses or spy ware running on your machine. At best these can slow it down, at worst they can do so much more damage. There are plenty of good, free antivirus programs around - just read the reviews before you choose one. Just be careful though - often the antivirus program itself can be a resource hog and may be the reason you computer is running slow in the first place.

  • Reduce the number of programs running in the background. In 'Task Manager' you can see what processes are running. Some will be obvious from their name, other may not be. The best thing is to 'Google' any which you are not sure about and find out if it's really necessary. If not, remove them, being sure to keep a copy just in case it turns out to be vital later.

  • Clean up the disk. The more you use your computer, the more files you create on the disk. Many are temporary and don't need to be stored forever, but they often don't get deleted when their usefulness has expired. Use the Disk Clean up utility to get rid of the rubbish.

  • Defragment the disk. Having cleared a load of space on the disk, you can further increase the efficiency of the PC by defragmenting the disk. Over a period of time, many files become fragmented, or stored in several segments in different places on the disk. A fragmented file takes more time to open and more time to do anything to than a file which is stored whole. Once again, you'll find a 'Defrag' utility which can really help - just run it once a month to keep things in trim.

  • Increase the page file size. The page file is part of the disk which is set up to act as a virtual memory for temporary files which are created during normal running of the PC. In Task Manager you can check that the 'Commit Charge' being used is below the limit. If it's not, this will slow the system down again. You can change the settings in 'Control Panel' - there you can find out what you currently have, and what the system recommends.

  • Run a Registry Cleaner. The Registry is the database that your system uses for all of the configuration settings for the programs your system uses. There are so many changes made every day that sometimes mistakes creep in. These errors can really slow your computer down even on the most basic tasks. If you've been through the steps above and your PC still runs too slow, using a Registry Cleaner often solves the problem. The good news is that this is the only step which is likely to incur expense!
Computers running slowly can be really infuriating, especially when you remember what they used to be like. But following a few simple steps can often regain much of the lost performance at a fraction the cost of buying a new PC. Then repeating the process at regular intervals can keep everything running at top speed.
I have been driven to distraction by my old PC. I thought it was time to give in and get a new one. But then I discovered some simple ways to regain a lot of the lost speed. Now it's old, but race tuned! Find out how to speed up your PC at www.speeduppc.biz Most of the techniques are free, they are usually pretty simple to do, and all will make your life happier and less stressful!

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